FujianWork, 2004-2005

Although I only worked in Fuzhou for a year, I have fond memories. The city has a lot of character, and, unlike most cities in the south, has a surprisingly devotional feel to it: wander down back alleys in the city - there are many - and it won't take you long to stumble upon an out-of-the-way temple or church. The hills outside the city are quite beautiful and serene. There are several interesting cities close by, Xiamen being the best among them.

Delhi Deadlines by Sheldon Smith

A washed out journalist, posted to India to cover a bloody election campaign, uncovers truths about his son's life - and death - in the country, truths that test loyalties forged in the war zones of Bosnia and Rwanda. A fiercely evocative narrative of modern-day India, filled with the clamour and hot stinks of its capital, this is a novel of death woven through with life.

"The writing is very very good... the mysteriousness of Wyndham's death and the narrator's involvement will entice the reader to keep reading." - 2012 Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award (ABNA) Expert Reviewer


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