About meMisc info

I'm not a huge fan of autobiography, but if you really want that David Copperfield kind of crap...

I was born in the Orient, Singapore to be precise, where I lived for the first two years of my life before moving to the smaller, duller, much colder town of Lowestoft, in the east of England; two years which, although not imprinted on memory, left a yen deep in my bones that has sent me across Asia throughout my adult life, travelling, living, working, beginning in 1997 with India, the setting for my novel Delhi Deadlines, and continuing to such countries as Iran, Pakistan, Myanmar (Burma), Indonesia and China, where I've been living since 2002.

In addition to several novels, I've written a travel book and, professionally, text books for academic English. I'm also big on website design, playing mahjong, ambling about cities and drinking green tea. In short, I'm creative, well adjusted to life in China, and have a pretty strong pair of legs.

I currently live in Guangzhou in Guangdong (Canton) province of south China, dividing my time between website design, child rearing (two boys), teaching academic English, and, in my spare moments, managing the international department of a prestigious high school.

Delhi Deadlines by Sheldon Smith

A washed out journalist, posted to India to cover a bloody election campaign, uncovers truths about his son's life - and death - in the country, truths that test loyalties forged in the war zones of Bosnia and Rwanda. A fiercely evocative narrative of modern-day India, filled with the clamour and hot stinks of its capital, this is a novel of death woven through with life.

"The writing is very very good... the mysteriousness of Wyndham's death and the narrator's involvement will entice the reader to keep reading." - 2012 Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award (ABNA) Expert Reviewer


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Feel free to contact me, about the website, writing, academic English, life in China, or anything that takes your fancy. You can reach me at contact@sheldonchsmith.com

Sheldon C H Smith Website Copyright © 2012-present by Sheldon C H Smith.